Relating to a mixed fashion retail and workshop to the south of Oxford Street, the clients instructed GSP to design and submit an application for both planning permission and listed building consent to allow alterations to the existing shop front, the installation of air source pumps, an associated enclosure on the rear flat roof and the replacement of a narrow windows on the rear elevation. The latter submission also covered internal alterations such as the relocation of panelling, the removal of damaged floor mosaic and replacement with floorboards, the repair and levelling of the floor, the relocation of original timber screens, the addition of new glazed screens, repairs to timber cladding on the internal workshop wall, the insertion of a new timber window in an existing opening in workshop, a new workshop door, a new door to the basement, the relocation of an existing workshop door to basement, repairs to stabilise vaulted cellar and the installation of cavity drain system to vaulted cellar, as well as the repair of floor to vaulted cellar.
The applications were supported by both a planning statement and a heritage statement, whilst a further acoustic survey and structural survey by co-consultants accompanied the planning application. Both submissions followed the receipt of pre-application advice from the Council’s Conservation Officer.
The Council found that the proposals accorded with their ‘City Plan and the Environment SPD’, their ‘Shopfronts, Blinds and Signs’ SPG and their ‘Repairs and Alterations to Listed Buildings’ SPG. The proposed alterations were considered sympathetic that would not have an impact on the special interest of the listed building. From a noise perspective no issues were raised by the Council’s Environmental Health Officers. Consequently, the Council concluded that the works would conserve the listed building and contribute to its long-term use. As such, planning permission and listed building consent were issued.
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