GSP was instructed to author the planning and heritage statement and then submit and manage the application for the erection of a modern detached dwellinghouse in the rear garden of an existing dwelling, opposite a Conservation Area and close to two non-designated heritage assets including an existing dwelling and an Area of Archaeological Interest.
Working alongside the Building Design Studio as architects for the project, the proposed design was found to be well considered, interesting and attractive. It was sufficiently modest to ensure no harm would arise in terms of impact on the setting of adjacent sites and buildings, nor the amenities of neighbouring occupiers.
However, concerns were later raised by officers in connection with the resultant density, as the site was allocated for 6 dwellings in the Neighbourhood Plan. GSP successfully argued that such a high density and scale of development would be completely out of character for the area, also causing material harm to the identified heritage assets. The Council then went on to grant permission for the development as proposed.
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