GSP was firstly instructed to submit the site as part of the Council’s new local plan ‘Call for Sites’ process in order to secure an allocation to help meet the Council’s future gypsy and traveller needs.

Once that draft allocation was confirmed, GSP then submitted a retrospective planning application for a gypsy and traveller site comprising 3 pitches, alongside the construction of a new attenuation pond for surface water drainage as well as biodiversity and landscaping enhancements. A storage unit was also proposed to assist with the sustainable functioning and growth of the existing commercial units on site.

The case officer considered that the storage unit would be well screened with any harm to the countryside having been outweighed by the benefits of needing to support the rural-based businesses onsite, whilst with the draft allocation in place, the case officer also did not raise any objections to the 3 additional gypsy and traveller pitches, hence planning permission was granted. GSP continued to work with the client to submit further applications seeking to discharge the requirements of the conditions of the permission.

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