The client contacted GSP regarding the possibility of lodging objections to their neighbour’s rear extension that had already been erected. Following instructions, GSP initially contacted the Council to raise concerns that the description of the development was of no resemblance to what had been constructed. The Council agreed with GSP and re-commenced their consultation with a corrected description of the works.
GSP then drafted and submitted representations objecting to the application. The Council agreed entirely with GSP’s objections finding that the bulk, siting, height and proximity to GSP’s client’s property had caused harm to their living conditions in terms of loss of daylight, impact on privacy and visual outlook. Also, as per GSP’s objections, the scale, height and bulk of the proposed fencing was also considered to comprise an overly dominant and unsympathetic form of development.
The Council has since served an enforcement notice on the neighbouring resident requiring them to demolish the structure.
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