Working on behalf of Stone Parish Council, GSP obtained a hybrid planning permission from Dartford Borough Council that includes the first detailed phase of enhancements to the Parish Council’s 5.8 hectare recreation ground.
The approved masterplan for the site includes a new café and community hub building adjacent to a key junction between new pathways that will include a 1km perimeter nature trail, a 4m wide priority boulevard through the centre of the site to provide a direct route through and a 400m circular route targeting joggers and runners. Further links into new forthcoming adjacent developments are also to be provided. A new playground will sit alongside a new multi-use games area, whilst a new clubhouse and grounds team workshop have also been approved in outline form. A community orchard is to be created to include the planting of 121 new trees. Other new facilities include an outdoor gym, youth shelter, picnic area, cycle storage, lighting and CCTV.
The scheme carefully avoids any disruption to the three existing pitches. The totality of these works will see a significant uplift in the recreational, ecological and landscape value of the ground to the benefit of the local parishioners.

For this project GSP worked alongside co-consultants relating to archaeology, landscaping, trees, ecology, flooding, contaminated land and topographical.

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